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Philosophy, Religion and Ethics
A 'normal adolescent phenomenon'? William James on Conversion Experience, OCR A2

A 'normal adolescent phenomenon'? William James on Conversion Experience, OCR A2

A lesson prepared for my school's MOCKsted inspection, featuring introduction to the term 'conversion', excerpts from James' lectures on the subject, a video testimony of gangster-turned-preacher Nicky Cruz, plus the confession of the 'most dejected convert in all England': C.S. Lewis. Students consider whether James' idea that conversion is a 'normal adolescent phenomenon' is borne out by evidence.
Corporate religious experience:  the Eucharist, Taize, and charismatic worship (Hillsong). OCR A2.

Corporate religious experience: the Eucharist, Taize, and charismatic worship (Hillsong). OCR A2.

Powerpoint providing examples of corporate religious experience. From the ethereal chords of Mozart's Requiem to the base guitar and full rock band of megachurch Hillsong Australia, how does music influence religious experience? Finishes with an investigation into charismatic phenomena (signs and wonders, esp healing and glossolalia) and also a research task into the Toronto Blessing.
If Christians can eat prawns, why is gay sex wrong? Sexual ethics for OCR A2

If Christians can eat prawns, why is gay sex wrong? Sexual ethics for OCR A2

Prawns? Lycra? Gay sex?Aren't the Old Testament's prohibitions against shellfish, mixed fibres and homosexuality indicative of an arbitrary and outdated morality? This lesson on homosexuality examines Biblical texts, discusses the meaning of the 'moral' and 'ceremonial' laws, introduces a Foucaultian persective on sexuality as power, and gives three personal stories - Rev Vaughan Roberts, Mark Cannon, and Vicky Beeching (shortlised for Stonewall's Hero of the Year award, 2014). Students encouraged to analyse the differing perspectives within one faith tradition and to finish with an essay plan on the role conscience plays in sexual matters.
Extra marital sex: a deontological approach. Sexual ethics OCR A2

Extra marital sex: a deontological approach. Sexual ethics OCR A2

Exploration of deontological approaches to marriage and sex, with a particular focus on Immanuel Kant. Are extramarital and premarital sex irrational? Also features a youtube video, 'C.S. Lewis' famous essay 'We have no right to happiness', which proved very provocative with my students! A great discussion starter on the differences between deontological and teleological approaches in sexual ethics.
OCR Philosophy of Religion A2 Nature of God: is Hell a just punishment?

OCR Philosophy of Religion A2 Nature of God: is Hell a just punishment?

Dr William Lane Craig (Kalam Cosmological Argument) and Dr Ray Bradley (Possible Worlds) debate on the issue of hell. Can God be loving and just and send people to hell for ever? Do people have a choice in the matter, or are the 'doors of hell locked on the inside?' This resource contains extracts from a stimulating debate, held at Simon Fraser University.
OCR AS Philosophy of Religion Problem of Evil and Stephen Fry

OCR AS Philosophy of Religion Problem of Evil and Stephen Fry

An introduction to both the evidential (Good Morning Vietnam) and logical (Epicurus, inconsistent triad) problems of evil. Students watch the interview between Gay Byrne and Stephen Fry on RTE (now has over 6 million hits on youtube) and try recreate it (God is capricious, mean and stupid to allow bone cancer in children). Students also consider whether or not atheists have a 'problem of evil', by examining the views of Richard Dawkins.
The Big Bang and creationism: OCR AS Religion and Science

The Big Bang and creationism: OCR AS Religion and Science

What is the Big Bang theory, and does it have implications for religious believers? This lesson explores no - NOMA (Stephen Jay Gould); yes- God is irrelevant - Prof. Stephen Hawking; and examines responses from Profs John Lennox and Alistair McGrath. Differences between young Earth creationists and progressive creationists summarized. Contains several stimulating Youtube clips, and an infographic summarising different views on dinosaurs.